Our Mission:

Changing the footprints of the future.

To inspire and give hope to others.
To feed the soul, spirit and body.
To become producers not just consumers.
To give, give and give.


Our Mission

Shoes Without Borders was founded from the desire to give kids a little self-confidence and hope with the help of a new pair of shoes. We have seen people live in such poverty that we thought we had to do something. We see families and children faces it gives us strength and courage to continue doing what we do.

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Our Impact

Not only do we work hard to provide shoes in various countries, we also want to impact the areas we go in all ways possible. By purchasing shoes in the same communities that we go to, we are able to invest financially in the local economy which opens doors for us locally and it’s a win win for all. We partner with local shoemakers and stores to focus on fair trade and also plant a seed in the person to continue supporting their own community long after we are gone.



We’ll be providing shoes and food to indigenous communities of the Sierra Madre, Durango, Mexico.


We’ll be providing shoes and food for the communities of Aldea el Rodeo and Cuilco in Guatemala.

This year we are working again with Centennial Elementary School in Evans, Colorado, to provide winter coats for low income students.

(More details to come)



Colombia and Perú ‘Amazon Trip’

300+ pairs of new shoes, 360+bags of groceries for families a warm meal and goody bags for the kids.

Evans, COlorado

300 Winter jackets for kids in need from Centennial Elementary School.




350 pairs of new shoes to Kids, fed 800 families , free haircuts and candy.

Durango, México

300 new pairs of shoes, a warm meal, in addition to clothes, diapers and milk for children and their families.




1,100 new shoes to kids and serve 1500+ meals.

Greeley, Colorado

150 new jackets to students in need from Billie Martinez Elementary School.


Volunteer opportunities

As a team our mission is to inspire and to offer hope to these children; to feed their souls, spirits and bodies. We are also working to become producers and not just consumers, to give, give and give.

Make a Donation

Help us give kids a little self-confidence and hope with the help of a new pair of shoes. Our hope is that a new pair of shoes becomes the first step towards a better life.